Sevices and Solutions

Background Checks

Analyzing the data for the year 2012-13, discrepancies surfacing from employment verification account to 19.47%, thus, making it clear that employment history is one aspect where job candidates commonly fabricate information. In terms of contribution to overall discrepancy in 2012-13, employment discrepancy is followed by reference discrepancy (9.93%), address verification (7.08%) and education verification (1.81%).

Consolidating the above check-wise discrepancy trends help in concluding that almost 17.82% of all employees screened come out as discrepant.

Knowing this criticality and importance of Background Check process, iNetScout has partnered with Industry Leading Background Verification Check Service Provider.

iNetScout for all its Contract and Managed Services, performs background checks:

  • Ensure that education verification for the highest degree is done for the entry-level and junior employees.
  • The next important check is work experience verification – typically done for the last two employers.
  • Our employees may access critical customer data. So, it is essential that they are trustworthy and honest. So, we always ensure an address verification of the permanent and current address. If something goes wrong, we know where to find them!
  • Carrying the previous point further, a few of your employees might handle critical function in your business operations. So, it is better to run a round of criminal verification (police record) or criminal database check on the candidate.
  • Additionally, iNetScout also offers this facility of Background checks for Permanent Recruitments Services on customer request basis.

If you would like to know more about our services, please get in touch with us today at